
Color Theory: How Colors Work Together

The Science Behind Color

So, let’s talk about the science behind color. The Color Wheel helps us understand how colors work together. Developed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, he came up with the understanding of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. When we mix two primary colors together, we get secondary colors, and when we mix a primary color with a secondary color, we get tertiary colors. So, when we’re choosing colors to match, we can use the science behind color to know what is going to work well together. 

Complementary colors are two colors that are directly opposite to each other on the color wheel. Analogous colors are three colors that are next to each other, and triadic colors are three colors that are evenly spaced out (like a triangle) on the color wheel. 

How to Use Color in Design

When designing with color, choosing colors to use can make or break the design. When choosing your colors, select hues of the same color intensity or shades of the same color. Also, make sure to consider how the lighting in the room will affect a person’s perception of the colors. Color can influence moods and can help accent the purpose of a room. Red is an example of this, it’s energetic and ambitious which is perfect for home offices, whereas green is refreshing and luxurious which is perfect for bedrooms and bathrooms. Using temperature palettes can also really help bring in the ambiance of the room.

At Zelman Style Interiors, we work hard to bring our client’s vision to life! The Design Process helps us learn more about your décor style and how we can effectively incorporate your lifestyle into the design. Contact us today to get started!