Our Relationship with Realtors
Our relationships with our realtors are important to us. This is a mutually beneficial relationship where the primary goal is making the clients home experience perfect. Relators help their clients by consulting with us and we help the realtors by giving their clients an amazing home.
Consulting for Zelman is an amazing opportunity for realtors. Not only do you get compensated as a consultant, but it will give you an extra edge while showing houses. Rather than showing clients an empty space, we have the technology to create in-house renderings and floor plans specifically tailored to them. This unique edge helps the client envision their custom space at the estate you are selling.
It is also helpful to Zelman Style Interiors because no one knows the client better than the realtor in terms of their taste in the home. Much of the time realtors are taking the clients through a multitude of potential living spaces, learning the fine details of what they do/ do not want. With the help of a consulting realtor, we are able to learn the ins and outs of the clients home taste and make them a spectacular home.
More than anything, this relationship helps the client receive a dimensional home buying experience. They receive a unique edge from the realtors and a seamless transition between home buying and perfecting their design.
If you are interested in becoming a realtor consultant contact us! Zelman Style Interiors is a full-service interior design firm specializing in high-end residential and commercial interiors. With a passion for design, the Zelman Style Interiors Team’s priority is to create a unique and personal environment fit for any lifestyle. Contact us today at 954-718-6100.