

The New Year always brings a beautiful energy back into the world. People are trying to learn from the year before, start a new, and become better human beings. We do this because it is a starting point that is easily recognizable and a great jumping off point for new goals. This is a process called rebuilding; we rebuild ourselves to improve.

Over the course of the past week, we have discussed New Year resolutions and how to bring this fresh feeling into your home. As we all continue to rebuild ourselves I challenge you to bring that improvement to your surroundings as well. Spread that inspiration to friends, family, and your home, for all to see.

Rebuilding can be scary

Of course, it is sometimes difficult to start those New Year resolutions and to begin to rebuild. Sometimes we are forced to rebuild, which leaves us feeling afraid and unprepared. The fear of rebuilding comes from the lack of stability. You are used to the comfort of familiarity and security. However, if you are willing to break through those walls (sometimes literally), you will be able to see what you truly like and dislike in your life.

In terms of your home, take a step back and look at each room. Is your space inspiring you? Is it unique to your needs and personality? Does it make you happy? If you answered no to any of these questions, it is time to rebuild your space. This does not mean you need to knock down the very foundations underneath you and start over, but recreating your space will give it, and you, new life.

Rebuilding is a wonderful process

Rebuilding is an amazing process for a new start and to help you appreciate what you truly love about your home. It allows you to update your home to reflect the updated you.

We all know too well that many were forced to rebuild their homes and lives over the past year from all of the storms of 2017. However, because of this experience people have learned the essence of community. Together as a community, we helped pickeach other up and not only did we rebuild homes stronger than before but also rebuilt relationships stronger as well.

Going into the next year we challenge you to stick with your resolutions and make sure your surroundings reflect who you are. We also challenge you to never stop rebuilding, whether it is who you are or if it is your home. Continue to improve what you have, while building a new as well.

If you are interested in rebuilding or reinventing your space, contact us! Zelman Style Interiors is a full-service interior design firm specializing in high-end residential and commercial interiors. With a passion for design, the Zelman Style Interiors Team’s priority is to create a unique and personal environment fit for any lifestyle. Contact us today at 954-718-6100 or Eileen@zlmn2024.flywheelsites.com.