

Your home  is your sanctuary, so of course you want it to be geared towards your taste and lifestyle. Designers want the same thing; they want to make sure they are assisting you in any and every way possible to make your dreams become a reality. When working on a project with a designer follow these tips for an amazing and successful experience:

  1. Connect

It is important to get to know and connect with your designer. When you are familiar with someone it is easier to feel comfortable with communicating ideas or improvements to them. This also helps the designer get to personally see your lifestyle and characteristics which can inspire them to develop new and unique ideas tailored specifically for you.

  1. Be Yourself

When communicating with your designer it is so important to be your authentic self. There is no need to prove yourself or impress them, they are there to make your space a genuinely comfortable place to live for you. Steven says that the most important aspect of designing a space is how his clients live their lives and how he can make a home that supports that.

  1. Be Available

There has to be a open, honest, and continuous conversation between you and your designer. Steven enjoys communication between him and his clients because the passion of the clients fuels his passion and inspiration for projects. It is important for both the customer and the designer to be available to exchange ideas.

  1. Express Yourself

This project is being completed for you, so stand up for yourself! Designers are crafting a space geared towards you, so never hesitate to critique or add ideas. Steven says at the end of the day he knows he can make a wonderful home that he will enjoy, but he is not doing it for himself he is designing for his clients and therefore wants them to be happy with it.

  1. Go with the flow

It is very important to be open to new ideas and to build off of the designs you love. Designers are trained to bring a space together that is crafted towards your sense of style. It is so important for the client and designer to be able to expand ideas with each other and to collaboratively create a space.

  1. Enjoy the experience

At the end of the day this project is to better your living space where you spend time doing what you love. Steven encourages you to bring those passions into the designing processes. He also encourages you to bring friends and family to the final design presentation and enjoy the fact that you are creating a space you love and are passionate about.

With open communication, open accessibility, and an open mind the interior design experience is successful and enjoyable. Steven is passionate about these steps and believes that with them you can get the most out of the process.

Zelman Style Interiors is a full-service interior design firm specializing in high-end residential and commercial interiors. With a passion for design, the Zelman Style Interiors Team’s priority is to create a unique and personal environment fit for any lifestyle. Contact us today at 954-718-6100 or Eileen@zlmn2024.flywheelsites.com.